Tourne omelette anémone

Tourne omelette anémone

65,00 76,01 

Those who love the omelette cooked on both sides will love this utensil from Provençal culinary traditions. Put the dish as a lid on your omelette … Hold everything with both hands … Go back … And put to heat in the pan! Indispensable to succeed your omelettes filled or your Crespeou, Provençal recipe of omelette cake with vegetables and herbs. Available in two sizes and in the six sets of Barbotine nail, this handcrafted and original object will present successfully your omelettes, pies, pizzas, cakes …

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The decor is made of nail with enhancement of colored varnish. The anemone motif comes from the workshops of the valley of Huveaune (Aubagne-en-Provence, St Zacharie, Auriol), in which it was often interpreted between the sixteenth and the eighteenth, in polychrome version with copper and colored varnishes.